عربشناسی یا عربیشناسی یک رشته دانشگاهی است که بر مطالعه اعراب و جهان عرب متمرکز است. این رشته از چندین رشته مانند انسانشناسی، جامعهشناسی، زبانشناسی، تاریخنگاری، باستانشناسی، مطالعات فرهنگی، اقتصاد، جغرافیا، روابط بینالملل، حقوق، ادبیات، فلسفه، روانشناسی، علوم سیاسی و مدیریت دولتی تشکیل شده است.[۱][۲][۳] این رشته از تواریخ، سوابق و ادبیات شفاهی قدیمی عربی، علاوه بر روایتها و سنتهای مکتوب درباره اعراب از مطالعات و آثار کاشفان و جغرافیدانان جهان عرب (خاورمیانه-شمال آفریقا) استفاده میکند.[۴][۵][۶]

جستارهای وابسته
ویرایش- ↑ Studies in the History of the Near East - Page 28 113627331X P.M. Holt - 2013 "He held the post until his death in 1624 and was succeeded by his former pupil, James Golius (1596–1667). Erpenius and Golius made outstanding contributions to the development of Arabic studies by their teaching, their preparation of texts, ..."
- ↑ Arnoud Vrolijk, Richard van Leeuwen Arabic Studies in the Netherlands: A Short History in Portraits, 900426633X - 2013 "The following portraits of the most distinguished Dutch Arabists are placed in their historical and intellectual context in order to show how intimately the development of Arabic studies is entwined with European and Dutch history."
- ↑ C. H. M. Versteegh, Kees Versteegh - The Arabic Language - Page 6 0748614362 2001 "In this introduction, we have traced the development of Arabic studies and stressed the connection between the study of Arabic and that of Hebrew and the other Semitic languages. Since the Second World War, Arabic studies have become ..."
- ↑ "Arab Studies Degree Programs & Information | American University, Washington, DC". www.american.edu (به انگلیسی). Archived from the original on 2020-11-13. Retrieved 2017-03-28.
- ↑ "The Arab Studies Journal on JSTOR". www.jstor.org (به انگلیسی). Archived from the original on 2020-11-27. Retrieved 2017-03-28.
- ↑ "Arab Studies Quarterly on JSTOR". www.jstor.org (به انگلیسی). Archived from the original on 2020-11-27. Retrieved 2017-03-28.