آرناووت (ترکی عثمانی: ارناود) همچنین ارنعوت، آرناووط، آرناوود و اروانید نامی است که در زمان عثمانیان برای اشاره به آلبانی و اهالی آن به کار می‌رفت. در ترکیه امروزی (به شکل Arnavut) برای اشاره به جمهوری آلبانی به کار می‌رود.[۱][۲][۳][۴]

آرناووت‌ در قاهره، نقاشی از ژان-لئون ژروم
آرناووت‌ها در یونان، ۱۷۸۲



در دورهٔ عثمانی این واژه برای همهٔ آلبانیایی‌ها فارغ از مذهبشان به کار می‌رفت که تا به امروز ادامه پیدا کرده‌است.[۵] در دوره عثمانی واژه آرناودلق برای اشاره به همهٔ جاهایی که آلبانیایی‌ها زندگی می‌کردند مثل کوزوو، مونته‌نگرو و مقدونیه به کار می‌رفت[۲][۶][۷] امّا در ترکیه امروزی این واژه به شکل Arnavutluk فقط برای اشاره به جمهوری آلبانی به کار می‌رود.[۸]

در زبان عربی، این واژه به شکل أرناؤوط برای اشاره به آلبانیایی‌تبارانی به کار می‌رود که پیشینیانشان در دورۀ عثمانی در شام، به ویژه سوریه، ساکن شدند.[۹] در کشورهای بالکانی نیز این واژه به شکل Арнаут برای نامیدن آلبانیایی‌ها به کار می‌رود، در صربستان این کلمه بار توهین‌آمیز نیز دارد.[۱۰][۱][۱۱]

این واژه در زبان فارسی عامیانه قدیمی، به شکل ارنئوت (یا ارنعوت یا ارنئود)، عبارتی توهین‌آمیز برای اشاره به شخص پرزور، گستاخ و بی‌انصاف[۱۲][۱۳] یا برای توصیف شخص بدلباس و نخراشیده به کار برده می‌شد.[۱۴]

در زبان‌های اروپای غربی Arnaut برای اشاره به سربازان آلبانیایی‌تبار عثمانیان به کار می‌رفت.[۵] در زبان رومانیایی هم حداقل از قرن ۱۸ به این سو، arnăut، به شکل مشابهی نامی بود برای مزدوران آلبانیایی که به عنوان محافظ شخصی استخدام می‌شدند. این محافظان معمولاً لباس‌های خاص سنتی بر تن می‌کردند.[۱۵]

جستارهای وابسته



  1. ۱٫۰ ۱٫۱ (Theißen 2007، ص. 90). "Der ursprüngliche Name Άλβανίτης (abgeleitet von Άλβάνος) wurde im Neugriechischen zu Άρβανίτης… In türkischer Vermittlung erfuhr die Silbe -van- eine Metathese zu -nav-, so dass die türkische Form des Namens für die Albaner arnavut bzw. arnaut Lautet. In dieser Form gelangte das Wort ins Bulgarische (BER I/1971: 15). [The original name Άλβανίτης (derived from Άλβάνος) was established in Modern Greek to Άρβανίτης .... In Turkish the syllable was experienced and mediated as -van- and by metathesis to -nav- so that the Turkish form of the name for the Albanians became respectively Arnavut or Arnaut. In this form, the word came into Bulgarian (BER I / 1971: 15).]"
  2. ۲٫۰ ۲٫۱ (Anscombe 2006، صص. 88). "This Albanian participation in brigandage is easier to track than for many other social groups in Ottoman lands, because Albanian (Arnavud) was one of the relatively few ethnic markers regularly added to the usual religious (Muslim-Zimmi) tags used to identify people in state records. These records show that the magnitude of banditry involving Albanians grew through the 1770s and 1780s to reach crisis proportions in the 1790s and 1800s."; p.107. "In light of the recent violent troubles in Kosovo and Macedonia and the strong emotions tied to them, readers are urged most emphatically not to draw either of two unwarranted conclusions from this article: that Albanians are somehow inherently inclined to banditry, or that the extent of Ottoman "Albania" or Arnavudluk (which included parts of present-day northern Greece, western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, Kosovo, and southern Serbia) gives any historical "justification" for the creation of a "Greater Albania" today."
  3. "Arnavudca". Osmanlıcayazılışı. Retrieved 16 January 2016.
  4. (Kerslake و Göksel 2014، صص. 321).
  5. ۵٫۰ ۵٫۱ (Malcolm 2009، صص. 233). "And a further complication is introduced by the term "Arnaut", which could he used as a synonym for "Albanian", hut tended to suggest those Albanians (in the ethnic-linguistic sense) who acted as soldiers for the Ottomans — though these included Catholic Albanians as well as Muslim ones. (When early reports refer to the local Ottoman forces, such as the force led by Mahmut Begolli [Mehmet Beyoğlu], pasha of Peja, they usually state that they consisted largely of Arnauts. Those Serb historians who claim that the terms Arnaut and Albanian did not mean ethnic Albanians, when applied to the supporters of Piccolomini, seem to have no difficulty in accepting that they did have that meaning, when applied to those fighting against him.)"
  6. (Anscombe 2006b، ص. 772). "In this case, however, Ottoman records contain useful information about the ethnicities of the leading actors in the story. In comparison with 'Serbs', who were not a meaningful category to the Ottoman state, its records refer to 'Albanians' more frequently than to many other cultural or linguistic groups. The term 'Arnavud' was used to denote persons who spoke one of the dialects of Albanian, came from mountainous country in the western Balkans (referred to as 'Arnavudluk', and including not only the area now forming the state of Albania but also neighbouring parts of Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro), organized society on the strength of blood ties (family, clan, tribe), engaged predominantly in a mix of settled agriculture and livestock herding, and were notable fighters — a group, in short, difficult to control. Other peoples, such as Georgians, Ahkhaz, Circassians, Tatars, Kurds, and Bedouin Arabs who were frequently identified by their ethnicity, shared similar cultural traits."
  7. (Kolovos 2007، ص. 41). "Anscombe (ibid. , 107 n. 3) notes that Ottoman "Albania" or Arnavudluk... included parts of present-day northern Greece, western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, Kosovo, and southern Serbia"; see also El2. s.v. "Arnawutluk. 6. History" (H. İnalcık) and Arsh, He Alvania. 31.33, 39-40. For the Byzantine period. see Psimouli, Souli. 28."
  8. (Emin 2014، صص. 9–17).
  9. (Norris 1993، صص. 209–210)
  10. Murati 1991, p. 71. "emri etnik a nacional e shqiptarëve, përkundër trajtës së drejtë sllave Albanci, tash del të shqiptohet si Šiptari e Šipci me një konotacion përbuzës negativ, ashtu siç është përdorur në krye të herës te serbët edhe në kohën e Jugosllavisë së Vjetër bashkë dhe me formën Šiftari e Arnauti me po të njëtat konotacione pejorative. [ethnic name or the national one of Albanians, despite the right Slavic term Albanci, now appears to be pronounced as Šiptari of Šipci with a connotation that is contemptuously negative, as it is used in the very beginning of the Serbs era at the time of the old Yugoslavia together and the form Šiftari and Arnauti which have the same pejorative connotations.]"
  11. (Državnoj štampariji 1878، ص. 347). "зову Арнаут, Арнаутка, па од тог назива доцније им потомци прозову се Арнаутовићи. [...] Арнаучићи зли, пакосни и убојити."
  12. https://www.vajehyab.com/tehrani/اَرنَعوت،ارنهوت
  13. https://lamtakam.com/dictionaries/amiyaneh/460/ارنعوت
  14. https://www.irna.ir/news/81688219/موج-سواري-تكيه-كلام-ها-بر-فرهنگ-عامه
  15. Dicționarul explicativ al limbii române (ediția a II-a revăzută și adăugită). Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold for the Lingvistics Institute of the Romanian Academy. 2009. Retrieved 11 May 2020 – via DEXonline.ro.