تامبلر در تامبلر

توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]



external links guideline recommends avoiding links to blogs such as Tumblr unless the Tumblr blog is an official account "controlled by the subject (organization or individual person) of the Wikipedia article". Multiple hoax and "fan" accounts have been discovered; please make a particular effort to verify the authenticity of any official links. Legitimate Tumblr blogs are usually named in reliable sources, such as newspaper stories, about the subject, or linked by other subject-controlled sources.

Wikipedia is not a comprehensive directory of a subject's web presence. Linking to Tumblr and other social networking sites is discouraged if the links are easily found at the subject's main website or other official link.

یک پارامتر

If only one parameter is used in the template, this parameter will be the page's url, with the link being the name of the Wikipedia page used on. Example: {{Tumblr|nasa}}


Hovering over the link shows that the template links to https://nasa.tumblr.com/, whilst the link itself displays the current page name (displays as "Tumblr/doc" or "Tumblr")

دو پارامتر


If two parameters are used in the template, the first parameter will be the page's url, while the second will be the title of the link. Example:

{{Tumblr|nasa|ناسا (رسمی)}}


Hovering over the link shows that the template links to https://nasa.tumblr.com/, whilst the link itself displays "NASA (official)".

جستارهای وابسته
