الگو:ISO 15924/maintenance overview

Overview of ISO 15924 templates
Item Publisher Details Example Definition in template Usage in page Note
Code ISO 15924 Alpha-4 Arab {{ISO 15924 code}} {{ISO 15924/footer}}, /doc
Number ISO 15924 Range 000–999 234 {{ISO 15924 number}}
Name ISO 15924 Descriptive name {{ISO 15924 name}} ISO name can differ from Unicode (alias) name
Alias (Property Value Alias) ISO 15924* Script name as used in Unicode Arabic {{ISO 15924/alias}}
Script direction Unicode Can vary per character, but all Unicode scripts (so far) have a single main direction rtl {{ISO 15924 direction}}
WP-name en:Wikipedia WP content page name for the script Arabic script {{ISO 15924/wp-name}}
WP-category en:Wikipedia WP category name for the script Arabic script {{ISO 15924/wp-category}}
Script example character en:Wikipedia Example character in userboxes ع {{ISO 15924/script-example-character}}   User boxes e.g., Category:User Arab
Overview and relation ISO – Unicode en:Wikipedia {{ISO 15924 script codes and Unicode}}
Redirect en:Wikipedia Redirect template {{R from ISO 15924 code}} Redirects
Overview en:Wikipedia Overview for templates check {{ISO 15924/overview}}
Subpages en:Wikipedia list Special:PrefixIndex/Template:ISO_15924

* Alias name is decided by Unicode consortium, but published in kindness by ISO 15924 in their data tables.