الگو:جعبه اطلاعات جای تاریخی/توضیحات

This infobox is part of WikiProject Historic sites. The infobox is meant for use on articles about sites which have been deemed worthy of protection by local, state, provincial, national, or other governmental bodies. Supported designations are listed at the WikiProject's home page. If you would like to add a new designation, contact members of the WikiProject by leaving a comment at the WikiProject talk page and/or see Template:Designation/doc. An explanation of how to use this infobox and what each parameter does is listed below, including examples.

To get started, copy and paste one of the following blank templates into the top of the article.

Blank template with ALL possible parameters

{{Infobox Historic Site
| name =
| native_name =
| native_language =
| native_name2 =
| native_language2 =
| native_name3 =
| native_language3 =
| image =
| image_size =
| caption =
| locmapin =
| map_width =
| map_caption =
| lat_degrees =
| lat_minutes =
| lat_seconds =
| lat_direction =
| long_degrees =
| long_minutes =
| long_seconds =
| long_direction =
| latitude =
| longitude =
| coordinates =
| coord_parameters =
| coord_display =
| coord_format =
| gbgridref =
| location =
| area =
| elevation =
| beginning_label =
| beginning_date =
| formed =
| founded =
| built =
| built_for =
| demolished =
| rebuilt =
| restored =
| restored_by =
| architect =
| architecture =
| visitation_num =
| visitation_year =
| governing_body =
| designation1 =
| designation1_offname =
| designation1_type =
| designation1_criteria =
| designation1_date =
| delisted1_date =
| designation1_partof =
| designation1_number =
| designation1_free1name =
| designation1_free1value =
| designation1_free2name =
| designation1_free2value =
| designation1_free3name =
| designation1_free3value =
| designation2 =
| designation2_offname =
| designation2_type =
| designation2_criteria =
| designation2_date =
| delisted2_date =
| designation2_partof =
| designation2_number =
| designation2_free1name =
| designation2_free1value =
| designation2_free2name =
| designation2_free2value =
| designation2_free3name =
| designation2_free3value =
| designation3 =
| designation3_offname =
| designation3_type =
| designation3_criteria =
| designation3_date =
| delisted3_date =
| designation3_partof =
| designation3_number =
| designation3_free1name =
| designation3_free1value =
| designation3_free2name =
| designation3_free2value =
| designation3_free3name =
| designation3_free3value =
| designation4 =
| designation4_offname =
| designation4_type =
| designation4_criteria =
| designation4_date =
| delisted4_date =
| designation4_partof =
| designation4_number =
| designation4_free1name =
| designation4_free1value =
| designation4_free2name =
| designation4_free2value =
| designation4_free3name =
| designation4_free3value =
| designation5 =
| designation5_offname =
| designation5_type =
| designation5_criteria =
| designation5_date =
| delisted5_date =
| designation5_partof =
| designation5_number =
| designation5_free1name =
| designation5_free1value =
| designation5_free2name =
| designation5_free2value =
| designation5_free3name =
| designation5_free3value =

Blank template with most used parameters

{{Infobox Historic Site
| name =
| native_name =
| native_language =
| image =
| caption =
| locmapin =
| lat_degrees =
| lat_minutes =
| lat_seconds =
| lat_direction =
| long_degrees =
| long_minutes =
| long_seconds =
| long_direction =
| location =
| area =
| built =
| architect =
| architecture =
| governing_body =
| designation1 =
| designation1_offname =
| designation1_date =
| designation1_number =
| designation2 =
| designation2_offname =
| designation2_date =
| designation2_number =
| designation3 =
| designation3_offname =
| designation3_date =
| designation3_number =
| designation4 =
| designation4_offname =
| designation4_date =
| designation4_number =
| designation5 =
| designation5_offname =
| designation5_date =
| designation5_number =



All fields are optional because they use ParserFunctions, which allow fields to be hidden if no value is set. The infobox is segmented into several basic parts, including the name of the site, an image, a map of the site's location, basic information about the site, and information pertaining to the registers on which the site is listed. Wikilinks and other formatting are acceptable in any of the Infobox fields except map/image and coordinate parameters.

Please spend some time at the Historic sites WikiProject and its talk page for standards on presenting names, designations, and other data.

Arles Obelisk
نام بومی
فارسی: Obélisque d'Arles
The Arles Obelisk in front of the Arles town hall (right).
مکانPlace de la République
13200 Arles, France
ساخته‌شده4th century
بازسازیMarch 26, 1676
معمارJacques Peytret
معیارii, iv
تعیین1981 (5th session)
بخشی ازArles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments
شمارهٔ ارجاع164
State Party فرانسه
RegionEurope and North America
نام رسمی: Obélisque antique
شمارهٔ ارجاعPA00081180

Basic information


Basic information consists of information that can apply to any site, regardless of what it has been designated. This includes information like the site's location; when the site was built, formed, or founded; and information about who built it and how it was built. Basic information parameters are as follows:

name – Most recognizable name of the site. This may or may not be the official name given by any designation registers. See WP:TITLE for more information.

Example format – | name = Arles Obelisk

native_name – The name of the site in its native language. For sites in countries that have more than one common language, choose the language most closely associated with the specific region of the country in which the site is located, and use the native_name2 and native_name3 parameters for other languages. Only three languages are supported at this time.

Example format – | native_name = Obélisque d'Arles

native_language – The language of the native name or its corresponding ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 language code. This uses the {{lang}} templates to display a link to the article about the language. If using the language name, make sure to capitalize the first letter of the language and do not abbreviate.

Example format – | native_language = French or | native_language = fr

native_name2 – The same as the native_name parameter above.

Example format – | native_name2 = Obelisco de Arles

native_language2 – The same as the native_language parameter above.

Example format – | native_language2 = Spanish or | native_language2 = es

native_name3 – The same as the native_name parameter above.

Example format – | native_name3 = Арль Обелиск

native_language3 – The same as the native_language parameter above.

Example format – | native_language3 = Russian or | native_language3 = ru

location – City, country, state, province, etc. in which site is located. If known, the postal address of the site can be included here as well. It is suggested that links are provided to the cities and countries.

Example format – | location = Place de la République<br/>13200 [[Arles, France]]

area – Land area of the site. Mostly used with districts, parks, and other extended areas. {{Convert}} tags may be used to display English alongside metric measurements.

Example format – | area = 814 acres
Example format – | area = {{convert|814|acre|ha}}

elevation – Elevation above sea level. {{Convert}} tags may be used to display English alongside metric measurements.

Example format – | elevation = 2,400 ft
Example format – | elevation = {{convert|2400|ft}}

formed – If the site is a natural land formation or habitat, this parameter describes when it was formed.

Example format – | formed = [[Cretaceous period]]

founded – If the site is a city or locality which was founded by a group of people, this parameter describes when it was founded.

Example format – | founded = March 14, 1698

built – If the site is a building or manmade structure, this parameter describes when it was built.

Example format – | built = 4th century

beginning_label – If none of the above labels quite apply to the article's subject (i.e. if the place was "settled" or "discovered"), this parameter can be used in conjunction with beginning_date to show a customized date.

Example format – | beginning_label = Settled and | beginning_date=15th century

built_for – If a building or structure was built for a specific person (such as a king or queen) or organization, this parameter identifies them.

Example format – | built_for = King Alexander I

demolished – If the site is no longer standing because it has been demolished, this is the date of demolition.

Example format – | demolished = August 22, 2001

rebuilt – If the site was rebuilt after being demolished or destroyed, this is the date the site was rebuilt.

Example format – | rebuilt = December 14, 2007

restored – If the site was remodelled or restored to its original condition, this is the date of restoration.

Example format – | restored = January 7, 1987

restored_by – The person who restored or remodelled the building.

Example format – | restored_by = Natchez Garden Club, Inc.

architect – If the site is a building or manmade structure, this parameter names the architect. If Wikipedia contains an article about the architect, link to that article.

Example format – | architect = Jacques Peytret

architecture – If the site is a building or manmade structure, this parameter describes the architectural style. Links are encouraged.

Example format – | architecture = [[Classical Revival]], Other

visitation_num – Most recent figure describing the number of visitors to the site in a given year. If a specific year is not known, an estimated annual visitation can be included.

Example format – | visitation_num = 81,344
Example format – | visitation_num = 80,000 annually

visitation_year – If a specific year's visitation was used for visitation_num, the year goes here. If there is a reference, include it in this parameter, making sure to properly format it.

Example format – | visitation_year = 2009<ref>{{cite web|...}}</ref>

governing_body – Body that owns/operates the historic site. If there is a Wikipedia article about the governing body, link to it. If the site is owned by a local or national government, be sure to provide adequate regional information.

Example format – | governing_body = [[Government of France]]

The infobox can display both an image and a map. If an image is present, the map will be displayed at the bottom of the infobox, and if no image is specified, the map will take its place at the top of the infobox. Image/Map parameters are as follows:

image – Name of main image displayed. Only the title of the image (i.e. Don't include "File:" or "Image:").

Example format – | image = Arles obelisque.jpg

image_size – Width of main image in pixels (Do not include "px"). Default 250.

Example format – | image_size = 300

caption – Caption for main image. Links can be included in this text.

Example format – | caption = Arles Obelisk in front of the Arles Town Hall

alt – Alt text for image. For more information see WP:ALT.

Example format – | alt = Obelisk in front of two buildings.

locmapin – If you want a map to be displayed, set this parameter to the region in which the site is located. See {{Location map}} for valid regions. If the parameter is left blank, no map will be displayed.

Example format – | locmapin = France

map_width – Width of the map in pixels (Do not include "px"). Default 235.

Example format – | mapwidth = 275

map_caption – Caption displayed under the map. The default caption (automatically displayed) is "Location of name in region", where name is controlled by the | name = parameter and region is controlled by the | locmapin = parameter. If you want to display something different, type it here. Links can be included in this text.

Example format – | map_caption = Arles Obelisk is in [[Arles, France]]



To display the site's location on the map, coordinates are needed. Coordinates may be supplied in either DMS (Degrees:Minutes:Seconds) or decimal format. The input format will be the output format, but if you'd like to input one way and display the other (i.e. input DMS and display decimal), you can use the | coord_format = parameter, explained below. Without coordinates, the map will not display even if a value is present in | locmapin =. Both methods may not be used at the same time, or the template will break. The following is an explanation of how to input coordinates in either method:

DMS format

Setting values for | lat_degrees = and | long_degrees = makes the locator dot appear on the locator map. Degrees can range from 0º to 180º, minutes can range from 0' to 60', seconds can range from 0" to 60", and direction can either be N (north) or S (south). If either minutes or seconds are not provided, they will default to zero. Default direction is N. If DMS format is used, do not use decimal format in the same article.

Example format – | lat_degrees = 36 | lat_minutes = 43 | lat_seconds = 42 | lat_direction = N | long_degrees = 118 | long_minutes = 9 | long_seconds = 16 | long_direction = W
DEC format

Setting values for | latitude = and | longitude = makes the locator dot appear on the locator map. Decimal degress can range from 0º to 180º. A negative latitude is treated as south, and positive is north. For longitude, negative is west, and positive is east. If decimal format is used, do not use DMS format in the same article.

Example format – | latitude = 36.6453 | longitude = -118.1567
Coordinate parameters

In the main info section of the infobox, coordinates are displayed using {{Coord}}, which links them to an interactive map of the location. To modify how these coordinates or how the map is displayed, that template allows special parameters. A few of these parameters are explained below, but for a further explanation, see Template:Coord#Coordinate_parameters.

coord_display – Coordinates can be displayed either inside the infobox (| coord_display = inline), in the title bar of the article (| coord_display = title), or both locations (| coord_display = inline, title). Default is inline, title.

Example format – | coord_display = inline

coord_format – As mentioned above, output format of coordinates can be controlled regardless of input format. To display coordinates in DMS value, use | coord_format = dms, and to display coordinates in decimal value, use | coord_format = dec.

Example format – | coord_format = dms

coord_parameters – For all other parameters allowed by the {{Coord}} template, this parameter is used. Each parameter is separated by an underscore ("_").

Example format – | coord_parameters = region:US-CA_type:landmark_source:GNIS

Grid references


For sites in Great Britain an Ordnance Survey grid reference may be given. Spaces are allowed - see details of format.

Example – | gbgridref = TQ 306 815
Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty in بندر نیویورک
مکانLiberty Island, نیویورک (شهر), نیویورک (ایالت), U.S.
ناحیه۱۲ جریب فرنگی (۴۹٬۰۰۰ متر مربع)
ساخته‌شدهOctober 28, 1886
معمارFrederic Auguste Bartholdi
بازدیدکنندگان4,235,595 (includes Ellis Island NM) (in 2005)
هیئت حاکمهU.S. سازمان پارک‌های ملی
معیارi, vi
تعیین1984 (8th session)
شمارهٔ ارجاع307
State Party ایالات متحده آمریکا
RegionEurope and North America
نام رسمی: Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island
تعیینOctober 15, 1966
شمارهٔ ارجاع66000058
تعیینOctober 15, 1924
Designated byPresident جان کالوین کولیج
تعیینSeptember 14, 1976



The main focus of this infobox is on the designations, which are displayed below the basic information about the site; up to 5 are allowed. Normally designations are listed in decreasing scope (i.e. an international designation first, followed by a national one, etc.). Each designation is represented by a colored bar, controlled by the {{Designation}} template. Though the Designation template is used in the background here, it can be used as a stand-alone template to create tables, lists, and even other infoboxes. For more information see Template:Designation/doc.

To display a designation, there are several templates. While no parameters are necessary, it is recommended that at least the designation date and reference number (if applicable) are known before adding the designation. For each designation (1-5) the following parameters may be used:

designation1 – Input the callname of the designation here. For a list of supported callnames, see Template:Designation/doc#Supported designations.

Example format – | designation1 = World Heritage Site

designation1_offname – The official name of the historic site, as listed in the register. If the official name is the same as the common name at the top of the infobox, this field is not necessary. If more than one name is included on the register, include all of them.

Example format – | designation1_offname = Obélisque antique

designation1_type – Some registers have certain types of designations (i.e. "Natural" and "Cultural", "Grade I" and "Grade II", etc.). If the type is closely associated with the designation, input that type here.

Example format – | designation1_type = Cultural

designation1_criteria – Some registers require sites to meet specific criteria (normally one or more items in a list) for inclusion. If the criteria is known, input it here.

Example format – | designation1_criteria = ii, iv

designation1_date – Date when the site received this designation. Normally this parameter needs a reference (make sure it is properly formatted).

Example format – | designation1_date = March 4, 1972<ref>{{cite web|...}}</ref>

delisted1_date – If a site has been removed from a designation's list, this is the date of delisting. Setting a value to this parameter causes the designation's color bar to turn grey and adds the word "Former" to the beginning. This parameter also needs a reference.

Example format – | delisted1_date = March 5, 1972<ref>{{cite web|...}}</ref>

designation1_partof – Some designations are part of larger designations (i.e. an individually designated bulding inside a designated district or an individually designated district in a designated city). For example, جزیره ایلیس is a part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument; both are listed as New York City Landmarks. If the larger designation is listed on the same register, include the name of the larger designation here. If a Wikipedia article exists about that designation, link to it.

Example format – | designation1_partof = [[Statue of Liberty National Monument]]

designation1_number – Most registers include unique reference numbers for each site so that they can be searched for more easily than by name (There may be two Jones Houses on the register, but they have unique reference numbers). Include this reference number here.

Example format – | designation1_number = 70010045

For designations 2-5, these same parameters are used, only "designation1" in all the parameters is replaced by "designation2", "designation3", etc.

Custom parameters

Besides all of these hard-coded parameters there is also the possibility of adding up to 3 custom parameters for each designation. These can be used for information specific to that single register (such as "Region" for World Heritage Sites or "Multiple Property Submission" to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places). If there is anything extra needed to fully identify the designated site, include it here. designation1_free1name – The name (bolded part) of the 1st custom parameter you would like to identify.

Example format – | designation1_free1name = Region

designation1_free1value – The value to which you want to set the custom parameter.

Example format – | designation1_free1value = [[World Heritage Sites in Europe|Europe and North America]]

Up to three custom parameters can be named and defined for each parameter (| designation1_free2name =, | designation1_free2value =, etc.).

The two infoboxes shown above are two great examples of this infobox in action. The Arles Obelisk infobox shows a site which makes use of a native name, and the Statue of Liberty infobox shows four separate designations. The infoboxes are repeated here, along with more examples, showing the code behind them:

Arles Obelisk

Arles Obelisk
نام بومی
فارسی: Obélisque d'Arles
The Arles Obelisk in front of the Arles town hall (right).
مکانPlace de la République
13200 Arles, France
ساخته‌شده4th century
بازسازیMarch 26, 1676
معمارJacques Peytret
معیارii, iv
تعیین1981 (5th session)
بخشی ازArles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments
شمارهٔ ارجاع164
State Party فرانسه
RegionEurope and North America
نام رسمی: Obélisque antique
شمارهٔ ارجاعPA00081180

This is an example of a standard infobox with two designations. Notice in the World Heritage Site designation, an external link to a page describing the site is provided in the reference number section. Also, in the date section, a small link (such as those seen in {{Infobox World Heritage Site}}) is provided detailing the کمیته میراث جهانی یونسکو session in which the obelisk was designated. The location parameter includes a line break (<br/>); this is perfectly acceptable in all infobox fields except map/image and coordinate fields.

{{Infobox Historic Site
| name = Arles Obelisk
| native_name = Obélisque d'Arles
| native_language = French
| image = Arles obelisque.jpg
| caption = The Arles Obelisk in front of the Arles town hall (right).
| designation1 = WHS
| designation1_date = 1981 <small>(5th [[کمیته میراث جهانی یونسکو|session]])</small>
| designation1_partof = [[Arles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments]]
| designation1_number = [http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/164 164]
| designation1_criteria = ii, iv
| designation1_type = Cultural
| designation1_free1name = State Party
| designation1_free1value = {{FRA}}
| designation1_free2name = Region
| designation1_free2value = [[فهرست میراث جهانی یونسکو در اروپا|Europe and North America]]
| designation2 = Monument historique
| designation2_date = 1840
| designation2_number = PA00081180
| designation2_offname = Obélisque antique
| location = Place de la République<br/>13200 [[Arles, France]]
| built = 4th century
| rebuilt = March 26, 1676
| architect = Jacques Peytret
| latitude = 43.67636
| longitude = 4.627594
| locmapin = France

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty in بندر نیویورک
مکانLiberty Island, نیویورک, نیویورک, U.S.
ناحیه۱۲ جریب فرنگی (۴۹٬۰۰۰ متر مربع)
ساخته‌شدهOctober 28, 1886
معمارFrederic Auguste Bartholdi
بازدیدکنندگان4,235,595 (includes Ellis Island NM) (in 2005)
هیئت حاکمهU.S. سازمان پارک‌های ملی
معیارi, vi
تعیین1984 (8th session)
شمارهٔ ارجاع307
State Party ایالات متحده آمریکا
RegionEurope and North America
نام رسمی: Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island
تعیینOctober 15, 1966
شمارهٔ ارجاع66000058
تعیینOctober 15, 1924
Designated byPresident جان کالوین کولیج
تعیینSeptember 14, 1976

The Statue of Liberty has been designated as four different things; with this infobox, they can all be shown in the same place. Notice the National Monument section makes use of one of the free parameters by stating under which U.S. President the monument was designated.

{{Infobox Historic Site
| name = Statue of Liberty
| image = Statue of Liberty, NY.jpg
| caption = The Statue of Liberty in [[بندر نیویورک]]
| location =  [[Liberty Island]], [[نیویورک (شهر)|]], [[نیویورک (ایالت)|]], U.S.
| lat_degrees = 40
| lat_minutes = 41
| lat_seconds = 38
| lat_direction = N
| long_degrees = 74
| long_minutes = 2
| long_seconds = 37
| long_direction = W
| locmapin = New York City
| built =October 28, 1886
| architect= [[Frederic Auguste Bartholdi]]
| architecture= 
| area = {{convert|12|acre|m2}}
| visitation_num = 4,235,595 (includes [[جزیره ایلیس|Ellis Island NM]])
| visitation_year = 2005
| governing_body = [[ایالات متحده آمریکا|U.S.]] [[سازمان پارک‌های ملی]]
| designation1 = WHS
| designation1_date = 1984 <small>(8th [[کمیته میراث جهانی یونسکو|session]])</small>
| designation1_type = Cultural
| designation1_criteria = i, vi
| designation1_number = [http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/307 307]
| designation1_free1name = State Party
| designation1_free1value = {{USA}}
| designation1_free2name = Region
| designation1_free2value = [[List of World Heritage Sites in the Americas|Europe and North America]]
| designation2 = NRHP
| designation2_offname = Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island
| designation2_date = October 15, 1966
| designation2_number = 66000058
| designation3 = NMON
| designation3_date = October 15, 1924
| designation3_free1name = Designated by
| designation3_free1value = President [[جان کالوین کولیج]]
| designation4 = NYC Landmark
| designation4_date = September 14, 1976
| designation4_type = Individual

Chaco Culture – Former designation

Chaco Culture National Historical Park
The Great Kiva of Chetro Ketl
مکانشهرستان سن خوآن و شهرستان مک‌کینلی, نیومکزیکو, ایالات متحده آمریکا
ناحیه۳۳٬۹۷۷٫۸ جریب فرنگی (۱۳٬۷۵۰٫۳ هکتار)
بازدیدکنندگان45,539 (in 2005)
هیئت حاکمهNational Park Service
نام رسمی: Chaco Culture
تعیین1987 (11th session)
شمارهٔ ارجاع353
State Party ایالات متحده آمریکا
RegionEurope and North America
نوعU.S. historic district
تعیینOctober 15, 1966
شمارهٔ ارجاع66000895
تعیینMarch 11, 1907
حذف از فهرستDecember 19, 1980
Designated byPresident تئودور روزولت
تعیینDecember 19, 1980

The Choco Culture National Historical Park has also been designated four different things, but one is no longer active. The park used to be a U.S. National Monument but was delisted in 1980 and converted into a National Historical Park. To show the former designation, notice that the infobox greys out the National Monument bar and adds the word "Former" to the beginning of the designation. Notice also that the locator map is not displayed since the locmapin parameter is left blank

{{Infobox Historic Site
| name = Chaco Culture National Historical Park
| image = Chaco Canyon Chetro Ketl great kiva plaza NPS.jpg
| caption = The Great Kiva of Chetro Ketl
| location = [[شهرستان سن خوآن، نیومکزیکو|San Juan County]] and [[شهرستان مک‌کینلی، نیومکزیکو|McKinley County]], [[نیومکزیکو]], [[ایالات متحده آمریکا|USA]]
| latitude = 36.058333
| longitude = -107.958889
| locmapin =
| area = {{convert|33977.8|acre}}
| visitation_num = 45,539
| visitation_year = 2005
| governing_body = National Park Service
| designation1 = WHS
| designation1_offname = Chaco Culture
| designation1_type = Cultural
| designation1_criteria = iii
| designation1_number = [http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/353 353]
| designation1_date = 1987 <small>(11th [[کمیته میراث جهانی یونسکو|session]])
| designation1_free1name = State Party
| designation1_free1value = {{USA}}
| designation1_free2name = Region
| designation1_free2value = Europe and North America
| designation2 = NRHP
| designation2_date = October 15, 1966
| designation2_type = [[U.S. historic district]]
| designation2_number = 66000895
| designation3 = NMON
| designation3_date = March 11, 1907
| delisted3_date = December 19, 1980
| designation3_free1name = Designated by
| designation3_free1value = President [[تئودور روزولت]]
| designation4 = NHP
| designation4_date = December 19, 1980

No image included – Map at top

Tintinhull House and Garden
مکانسامرست (شهرستان), England
OS grid referenceST 503 197
ساخته‌شده17th century
تعیین19 April 1961
شمارهٔ ارجاع425669
نوعGrade II
تعیین12 April 2005

This infobox does not specify an image, causing the map to be displayed at the top of the infobox instead of at the bottom. You can also choose to display an image with no map (by leaving the locmapin parameter blank as in the above example) or to display neither. If, however, coordinates are known, it is suggested that a map be included.

{{Infobox Historic Site
| name = Tintinhull House and Garden
| native_name =
| locmapin = Somerset
| lat_degrees = 50
| lat_minutes = 58
| lat_seconds = 28
| lat_direction = N
| long_degrees = 2
| long_minutes = 42
| long_seconds = 26
| long_direction = W
| gbgridref = ST 503 197
| location = [[سامرست (شهرستان)]], England 
| area =
| built = 17th century
| architect =
| architecture =
| governing_body =
| designation1 = Grade I Listed Building
| designation1_date = 19 April 1961
| designation1_number =425669
| designation2 = National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens
| designation2_date = 12 April 2005
| designation2_type = Grade II

رده‌های ردیابی


الگوهای مرتبط
