Makes a link to a جی‌استور article or journal determined by a given parameter. When using شیوه یادکرد ۱ or Citation Style 2 templates, use the |jstor= parameter directly supported by the template.

To reference an individual article, the preferred method is to use the number from the stable url (e.g. This may be found for any article under the Item Information link:


which gives JSTOR 3562296. To reference a journal itself, use the شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی پیایندها:


resulting in JSTOR شماره استاندارد بین‌المللی پیایندها 00930334.

Examples with citation templates


For citing an article on قضیه آخر فرما in a journal and linking it to its JSTOR entry:

{{cite journal
 | last = Wiles | first =  Andrew
 | authorlink = Andrew Wiles
 | year = 1995
 | title = Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's Last Theorem
 | journal = [[Annals of Mathematics]]
 | volume = 141 | issue = 3 | pages = 443–551
 | jstor = 2118559
 | mr = 1333035
 | zbl = 0823.11029

The resulting formatted citation:

Wiles, Andrew (1995). "Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's Last Theorem". Annals of Mathematics. 141 (3): 443–551. JSTOR 2118559. MR 1333035. Zbl 0823.11029.


 | last = Wiles | first =  Andrew
 | authorlink = Andrew Wiles
 | year = 1995
 | title = Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's Last Theorem
 | journal = [[Annals of Mathematics]]
 | volume = 141 | issue = 3 | pages = 443–551
 | jstor = 2118559
 | mr = 1333035
 | zbl = 0823.11029


Wiles, Andrew (1995), "Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's Last Theorem", Annals of Mathematics, 141 (3): 443–551, JSTOR 2118559, MR 1333035, Zbl 0823.11029