الگو:Location map Croatia/توضیحات

The locator map definition, Template:Location_map_Croatia, is intended for overlaying markers and labels on similar maps of کرواسی.

Some of the related mapping procedures are:

This template uses the mapping procedure "Template:Location_map" which must be invoked with parameter "Croatia" to process the options before it uses the template. Specify each of the individual parameters by using vertical bars: {{Location map | Croatia | ...}}.

Map for Croatia
Map parameters
top 46.8 latitude at top of map
bottom 42.1 latitude at bottom of map
left 13.1 longitude at map left edge
right 19.9 longitude at map right edge
skew 1.0 skew to narrow longitudes
lat_skew 0.0 skew to arc latitudes at edges

See {{Location map}} for description of the parameters.

WARNING: Having too much text in Template:Location_map_Croatia can kill mapping templates that use it, even inside "<noinclude>".