الگو:Location map Russia (equirectangular)/توضیحات

Template:Location map Russia (equirectangular) is a location map definition used to overlay markers and labels on an equirectangular projection map of روسیه. The markers are placed by عرض جغرافیایی and طول جغرافیایی coordinates on the default map or a similar map image.

These definitions are used by the following templates when invoked with parameter "Russia (equirectangular)":

Map definition

used in default map caption (روسیه)
the default map image, without "Image:" or "File:" (Russia location map.svg)
an expression to calculate a location on the map via its طول جغرافیایی; evaluates as 0 along the left edge and 100 along the right edge
an expression to calculate a location on the map via its عرض جغرافیایی; evaluates as 0 along the top edge and 100 along the bottom edge

Technical details


For a map using an equirectangular projection which does not cross +/-180 longitude, or +/-90 latitude, the following expressions can be used: x = 100*(long - left)/(right - left)
y = 100*(lat - top)/(bottom - top) where lat and long are the degrees latitude and longitude respectively. Here, top and bottom are the degrees latitude of the top and bottom edges of the map, left and right are the degrees latitude of the left and right edges of the map. Things are a bit more complicated when the map crosses +/-180 longitude, and some sort of "modulo arithmetic" is required. Here, we add 360 if the longitude is less than 0, then use a mapping based on positive coordinates. The following table can be used to check if the expressions are working as desired:

location lat long (x,y) test (x,y) exact
top/left 81.8 19.6333 (0,-0) (0,0)
top/right 81.8 -169.667 (100,-0) (100,0)
bottom/left 41.19 19.6333 (0,100) (0,100)
bottom/right 41.19 -169.667 (100,100) (100,100)
center 61.495 104.98315 (50,50) (50,50)

Location map: Eastern hemisphere, Deg/Min/Sec coordinates

Moscow در روسیه واقع شده
Location of مسکو in Russia
{{Location map | Russia (equirectangular)
| width = 300
| float = right
| caption = Location of [[مسکو]] in Russia
| label = Moscow
| background = lightblue
| position = right
| lat_deg= 55 | lat_min=45 | lat_sec=06 | lat_dir=N
| lon_deg=037 | lon_min=37 | lon_sec=04 | lon_dir=E

Location map: Eastern hemisphere, Decimal coordinates

Moscow در روسیه واقع شده
Location of مسکو in Russia
{{Location map | Russia (equirectangular)
| width = 300
| float = right
| caption = Location of [[مسکو]] in Russia
| label = Moscow
| background = lightblue
| position = right
| lat = 55.75167
| long = 37.61778

Location map: Western hemisphere, Deg/Min/Sec coordinates

Egvekinot در روسیه واقع شده
Location of Egvekinot in Russia
{{Location map | Russia (equirectangular)
| width = 300
| float = right
| caption = Location of [[Egvekinot]] in Russia
| label = Egvekinot
| background = lightgreen
| position = left
| lat_deg= 66 | lat_min=19 | lat_sec=06 | lat_dir=N
| lon_deg=179 | lon_min=07 | lon_sec=24 | lon_dir=W

Location map: Western hemisphere, Decimal coordinates

Egvekinot در روسیه واقع شده
Location of Egvekinot in Russia
{{Location map | Russia (equirectangular)
| width = 300
| float = right
| caption = Location of [[Egvekinot]] in Russia
| label = Egvekinot
| background = lightgreen
| position = left
| lat = 66.31833
| long = -179.12333

Location map many: Deg/Min/Sec coordinates

Location map Russia (equirectangular)/توضیحات در روسیه واقع شده
مسکو and Egvekinot in Russia
{{Location map many | Russia (equirectangular)
| width = 300
| float = right
| caption = [[مسکو]] and [[Egvekinot]] in Russia
| label = Moscow | label_size = 90
| bg = lightblue | pos = right
| lat_deg= 55 | lat_min=45 | lat_sec=06 | lat_dir=N
| lon_deg=037 | lon_min=37 | lon_sec=04 | lon_dir=E
| label2 = Egvekinot | label2_size = 90
| bg2 = lightgreen | pos2 = left
| lat2_deg= 66 | lat2_min=19 | lat2_sec=06 | lat2_dir=N
| lon2_deg=179 | lon2_min=07 | lon2_sec=24 | lon2_dir=W

Location map many: Decimal coordinates

Location map Russia (equirectangular)/توضیحات در روسیه واقع شده
مسکو and Egvekinot in Russia
{{Location map many | Russia (equirectangular)
| width = 300
| float = right
| caption = [[مسکو]] and [[Egvekinot]] in Russia
| label = Moscow | label_size = 90
| bg = lightblue | pos = right
| lat = 55.75167
| long = 37.61778
| label2 = Egvekinot | label2_size = 90
| bg2 = lightgreen | pos2 = left
| lat2 = 66.31833
| long2 = -179.12333