Syntax: {{ Operabase | work=worktitle | composer=composername | label=linktext | linkonly=t }}

توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]



This template provides a wrapper around accesses to the performance listings of the Operabase website. Using such a wrapper simplifies the creation of the link, and helps isolate Wikipedia from changes in the target website's addresses, structures and syntax.

The template allows Operabase performances to be searched by either composer or work title, or a combination of the two. Note that the earliest performances returned will be from the start of the previous season.

پارامترهای جستجو


دستکم یکی از پارامترهای 'work' یا 'composer' الزامی است.

{{Operabase | composer=composername}}
{{Operabase | work=worktitle}}
{{Operabase | work=worktitle | composer=composername}}

نحوهٔ نمایش


The template will automatically create a descriptive label for the link from its parameters, e.g. :

  • {{Operabase | work=Die tote Stadt}}
  • {{Operabase | composer=Alexander Raskatov}}
  • {{Operabase | work=Otello | composer=Rossini}}

به این صورت نمایش داده خواهد شد:

{{Operabase | label=linktext}}

You can override this default linking text by supplying a label. The linktext should not be enclosed in quotes. Example:

  • {{Operabase | work=Die tote Stadt | label=Recent and planned performances}}

will display as:

{{Operabase | linkonly=t}}

To suppress the rest of the words in the template output, and get the bare link on its own, use the linkonly=t option

  • {{Operabase | work=Die tote Stadt | label=Recent and planned performances | linkonly=t}}

will display as: