الگو:هبک-حق تکثیر-تصویر

(تغییرمسیر از الگو:Uw-copyright-img)

Information icon Hello, I'm Jimbo. Wikipedia takes ویکی‌پدیا:حق تکثیر very seriously. An image you uploaded appears to be copyrighted content borrowed from another website. If you are the copyright holder and would like to use this image on Wikipedia, please follow the instructions given at WP:DONATEIMAGE. This will start the process to get an ویکی‌پدیا:گروه داوطلب پاسخ‌گویی in place on the item proving that Wikipedia has permission to use it. The image should be uploaded to Commons, not directly to Wikipedia, so you will need to open a user account on that wiki as well. This may sound complex, but hopefully if you take it step by step it will go smoothly. If you have any questions, you can leave a message on my talk page. Thanks!

توضیحات الگو[ایجاد] [پاکسازی]