This template can be used to call the color of متروی شی‌آن lines. The following are included in this template.

In order to call a line's color, the code #{{XA color|line}} is used (where line is replaced by the actual line number).

{{XA color|1}} Sample:   0077c8
{{XA color|2}} Sample:   ef3340
{{XA color|3}} Sample:   ce70cc
{{XA color|4}} Sample:   2dccd3
{{XA color|5}} Sample:   a6e35f
{{XA color|6}} Sample:   485cc7
{{XA color|8}} Sample:   ffe400
{{XA color|9}} Sample:   ff8e29
{{XA color|11}} Sample:   006400
{{XA color|a}} or …|A}} or …|Airport}} Sample:   00c1d5
{{XA color|#default}} Sample:   bbbbbb