کسب (سوریه): تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

محتوای حذف‌شده محتوای افزوده‌شده
FocalPoint (بحث | مشارکت‌ها)
جز (GR) File renamed: File:Kessab31.jpgFile:Holy Trinity Armenian Evangelical Church of Kessab, Syria.jpg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c...
Jarould (بحث | مشارکت‌ها)
جز (GR) File renamed: File:Kessab122 Nabaain.jpgFile:Mount Sildran road, Kessab, Syria.jpg File renaming criterion #2: to change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the...
خط ۵۷:
Image:Kessab6.jpg|<!--Mountains of Karadouran-->
File:Karadouran village, Syria-Turkey boarderline, Kessab.jpg|<!--Karadouran beach on the Syrian-Turkish borderline-->
Image:Kessab122Mount NabaainSildran road, Kessab, Syria.jpg|<!--On the way to Baghjaghaz -->