template output (without input parameters) start
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)
template output end
note that it is supposed to be cut off at the bottom

توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]

Template intended to simplify adding a standardized and formatted caption below a map indicating the location of something (e.g. a country), possibly referring to the map's main region and optionally also to a shown subregion. Original use within infoboxes (e.g. see articles on European countries). For a complete set of elements (see Parameters) of reasonable length, a width of typically (minimally) 250px (without extra padding or margins) should be available.


Parameter Default
(optional) countryprefix Neither linked nor styled prefix e.g. "the" (for articles named e.g. "United Kingdom", "Czech Republic", "Netherlands")
(optional) country Only if the country name at the map should not be identical to the article name (e.g. "Metropolitan France")
Template sets [[سه نقطه]], thus if identical to article name (default) in article shown in bold instead of linked
<article name>
(optional) location Only if hereunder colour is not used and its default not appropriate: Description identifying country's location (e.g. "circled in inset")
This parameter must never be empty; "none" suppresses it. If passed, location_color cannot be shown
(optional) location_color Only if above description is not used: Colour identifying country's location; "none" suppresses showing the default. orange
(optional) region Name (or equally extremely short description) for approximately the entire area depicted by the map.
special: "[[Europe]]" shown as "on the اروپا",
special: "[[Antarctica]]" shown as "on جنوبگان",
special: "[[Middle East]]", "[[Arctic Circle]]" or "[[Pacific Ocean]]" shown as "in the ...",
special: versus any other: shown as "in ...", e.g. "[[Africa]]" shown as "in آفریقا"
(optional) region_color Colour identifying region; "none" suppresses showing the default. white
(optional) subregion Subregion indicated within region (only if used: aligning both region and subregion lines to the left, else single region line centered as top line)
Must not occur without parameter region.
special: "[[EU]]" or "[[European Union]]" shown as "in the اتحادیه اروپا",
special: versus any other: shown as "in ...", e.g. "the [[Caucasus]]" shown as "in the قفقاز"
(optional) subregion_color Colour identifying subregion; "none" suppresses showing the default. camel
(optional) legend Filename of image providing a map legend
Note: In case the name of any article or redirect page on this Wikipedia is given for a country, region or subregion (without other characters in the parameter), the template automatically creates a link. It is nevertheless possible to pass a parameter between linking brackets [[سه نقطه]] and such is required in case only a part of the parameter should be linked or in case a link should reach an article by another name using syntax [[سه نقطه]].
Code Raw result (in unformatted box, compare to handling in Infobox)
{{map caption}}
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)
{{map caption |region=[[اروپا]] |legend=European location legend en.png}}
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)

در اروپا  (white)  —  [Legend]

{{map caption |countryprefix=the |region=[[اروپا]] |subregion=the [[اتحادیه اروپا]] |legend=European location legend en.png}}
موقعیت the  Map caption  (orange)

– در اروپا  (camel و white)
– در the اتحادیه اروپا  (camel)  —  [Legend]

 Typical sample for an article on a European Union member that needs no "the" before its name, for otherwise identical output:
{{map caption |region=Europe |subregion=EU |legend=European location legend en.png}}
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)

– در اروپا  (camel و white)
– در اتحادیه اروپا  (camel)                  [Legend]

Infobox usage of code (as intended) — wherein the alignment, the padding/margins, and font are rendered differently (this template adjusts for that infobox):
Sample for article named 'Armenia', about a non-European country

{{Infobox Country or territory|
|common_name = Armenia
|image_map = Europe location ARM.png
|map_caption = {{map caption}}
|(other for the Infobox required parameters omitted from sample)

Sample for article named 'Belarus', about a non-member of the EU
{{Infobox Country or territory|
|common_name = Belarus
|image_map = Europe location BLR.png
|map_caption = {{map caption |region=[[اروپا]] |legend=European location legend en.png}}
|(other for the Infobox required parameters omitted from sample)

Sample for article named 'Netherlands', about a member of the EU
{{Infobox Country or territory|
|common_name = the Netherlands
|image_map = EU location NED.png
|map_caption = {{map caption |countryprefix=the |region=[[اروپا]] |subregion=the [[اتحادیه اروپا]] |legend=European location legend en.png}}
|(other for the Infobox required parameters omitted from sample)

Net result — The three simplified samples above, shown here side by side
Net result — (called here not from countries' page and without country parameter):
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)
زبان(های) رسمیx
• کل
[ابزار تبدیل: invalid number]
• تراکم
[ابزار تبدیل: invalid number] (0)
واحد پولx (x)
منطقه زمانییوتی‌سی0 (x)
پیش‌شماره تلفنی0
دامنه سطح‌بالاx
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange) در اروپا  (white)  —  [Legend]
موقعیت  Map caption  (orange)

در اروپا  (white)  —  [Legend]

زبان(های) رسمیx
• کل
[ابزار تبدیل: invalid number]
• تراکم
[ابزار تبدیل: invalid number] (0)
واحد پولx (x)
منطقه زمانییوتی‌سی0 (x)
پیش‌شماره تلفنی0
دامنه سطح‌بالاx
موقعیت the  Map caption  (orange) – در اروپا  (camel و white) – در the اتحادیه اروپا  (camel)  —  [Legend]
موقعیت the  Map caption  (orange)

– در اروپا  (camel و white)
– در the اتحادیه اروپا  (camel)  —  [Legend]

زبان(های) رسمیx
• کل
[ابزار تبدیل: invalid number]
• تراکم
[ابزار تبدیل: invalid number] (0)
واحد پولx (x)
منطقه زمانییوتی‌سی0 (x)
پیش‌شماره تلفنی0
دامنه سطح‌بالاx