الگو:Infobox Town AT

(تغییرمسیر از الگو:Infobox Ort in Österreich)
Infobox Town AT
ایالتEnter Bundesland or state
ناحیهEnter Bezirk or district
منطقه زمانییوتی‌سی +۱ (CET)
 • تابستانی (DST)یوتی‌سی +2 (CEST)
توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]



This infobox is meant for cities, towns and municipalities in Austria. It is based on the infobox for places in Germany: {{Infobox German Location}}. It can process data from German Wikipedia, and from the previous version of the infobox. Detailed instructions can be found below

Detailed instructions

Detailed instructions


This infobox is meant for cities, towns and municipalities in Austria. It can process data from German wikipedia, and from the previous version of the infobox. You can copy an infobox from German wikipedia, or create one starting from an infobox for another town, or starting from scratch. This is an empty infobox with all available fields (English names). The contents of the parameter fields, and which ones are optional, are explained below. Note that the German infobox and the previous version of this infobox contain fields that are not used in the present version of the infobox.

{{Infobox Town AT
|name         = 
|name_local   = 
|image_photo  = 
|imagesize    = 
|image_coa    = 
|Wappengröße  = 
|lat_deg =  | lat_min =  | lat_sec = 
|lon_deg =  | lon_min =  | lon_sec = 
|Karte        =
|image_plan   = 
|plantext     = 
|state        = 
|district     = 
|elevation    = 
|elevationmax = 
|area         = 
|area_metro   = 
|population   = 
|pop_metro    = 
|population_as_of = 
|pop_ref      = 
|postal_code  = 
|area_code    = 
|licence      = 
|divisions    = 
|mayor        = 
|Bürgermeistertitel = 
|party        = 
|year         = 
|website      = 



Most parameter fields can have both an English and a German name. Either the German or English parameter name can be used, depending on copying infobox data from other sources. Note that the field name is case-sensitive, for instance "bundesland" with lower case b does not work.

Required parameters are displayed in orange.

Delete any unneeded fields when using the full template syntax.

Name or name


English name of location. Use only if name is different from article name.

German_name or local_name


German name of location. Use only if name is different from English name.

Art or type


Type of location. Accepts German and English names. Accepted values:

  • Municipality / Gemeinde / Marktgemeinde - default
  • Town / Stadt / Stadtgemeinde - if the municipality has town privileges
  • City / Statutarstadt / Statutory city - 15 (usually large) towns with special status
  • Village / Borough - if the place is not an independent municipality, but part of another

image_photo or repres_image


The top image, a representative photo of the location: skyline, notable landmark, etc. The image used should preferably be wider than it is tall, to keep the infobox as compact as possible. No wikilinks.

Use only when it is necessary to reduce the size of the above image from its default value of 268px. Tall images should be reduced, such as 220px, to balance the infobox appearance.



Caption underneath representative image. Keep as short as possible. Allows wikilinks.

Wappen or image_coa


Coat of arms image. No wikilinks. Leave blank if image is unknown or unavailable. If the location simply does not have a coat of arms, put: Wappen = none.



Avoid. Use only when it is necessary to reduce the size of the above image from its default value of 120px.

lat_deg, lat_min, lat_sec, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_sec


Needed. Geographical co-ordinates of location. Give location in degrees and minutes (seconds can be given, but will not be displayed).

Karte or image_map


Avoid. Name of locator-map image. However, from the given geographical co-ordinates, a common map will be generated showing the position of the location within Austria. If, for some reason, the generated map does not work properly, use this field to replace the generated map with a specific image.

Bundesland or state


Needed Federal state to which the location belongs. No wikilinks. Accepts English and German names, translates many names to English.

Bezirk or district


Needed. District that the location belongs to. If the location is a Statutory city, say district = Statutory city. District articles on the English wiki are named "xxxx (district)" or without the "(district)" part. For most cases, only the name of the district (xxxx) is needed here (without wikilinks) and the infobox should link to the correct article.

Gliederung or divisions


Local subdivisions. When copying towninfo directly from the German wiki, please translate content of this field to English and remove any red links.

Bürgermeister or mayor


Name of the mayor/lord mayor/etc. Wikilinks automatically generated if the entry exists.



Title: Mayor / Bürgermeister, Lord Mayor / Oberbürgermeister, etc. Use wikilinks only if linking to a specific article (eg. Lord Mayor). Default is "Mayor"

Partei or party


Political party of Mayor/Lord Mayor/etc. Use standard party abbreviations (SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, BZÖ, Green, etc.) and the correct wikilinks should be generated (if not, leave a comment on the template talk page). For independent politicians, say party=ind

ruling_party1, ruling_party2, ruling_party3


Party or parties that govern this location. Fill in this field in the same way as the Partei field.

Fläche or area


Area in square kilometres. Will automatically calculate value in square miles. Enter value without spaces or commas, otherwise an error message will be displayed in the area field.



Are of metropolitan area in square kilometres. Will automatically calculate value in square miles. Enter value without spaces or commas, otherwise an error message will be displayed in the area field. Only the bigger cities will have a need for this field.

Höhe or elevation


Elevation in metres. Will automatically calculate value in feet. For some entries, a range of elevation values is given in the German wiki. To prevent an error in the conversion to feet, any range values must use a simple minus sign instead of any other dash characters. Elevation ranges will not be converted to feet.



Maximum elevation in metres. Will automatically calculate value in feet. This way a range can be shown, both in metric and imperial units.

Einwohner or population


Population. If area is also given, population density will also be calculated. Enter value without spaces or commas, otherwise an error message will be displayed in the density field.
Please use the appropriate population template (e.g. Template:Metadata population AT-6 for region 6 entities) to automatically retrieve current population data.

Date for population value. Enter in YYYY-MM-DD format (eg. 2006-12-31), or DD.MM.YYYY (eg. 31.12.2006) format. No wikilinked dates, because they give an error message. Entering only a year gives the present date, which is a bug of the infobox.

Population of metropolitan area. Only the bigger cities will have a need for this field.

Population of urban area. Only the bigger cities will have a need for this field.

Source for population statistic(s). Needed to make it easier to update population values in the future. The German wiki does not use this field. This field must use the <ref>-code, citing the document or website. When this field is filled in, you must add a references section at the end of the article if it does not already have one. (eg. with {{reflist}})
Citation examples:

  1. Minimum requirement: pop_ref=<ref>[http://www.samplesite.de Population source]</ref>
  2. Expanded syntax: <ref>{{cite web |title=Statistik Austria |url=http://www.statistik.at/blickgem/index.jsp |author=Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich |accessdate=2007-12-19 |language=German}}</ref>

Kfz or licence


Car number plate code for the location (1-2 capital letters).

Vorwahl or area_code


Telephone area code. If various values are given, display as a simple range (if possible). Avoid descriptions of each code.

PLZ or postal_code


Postal code. If various values are given, display as a simple range (if possible). Avoid descriptions of each code.

Year of foundation, NOT the year of the first recorded mention of the location.

Website or website


Official website of the location. Trim displayed URL as much as possible. (eg. Website=[http://www.samplesite.at samplesite.at])

Lageplan or image_plan


Zoomed-in map image displaying location within a region of Austria (e.g., a state or a Bezirk), with optional width, plansize=265px.

Lageplanbeschreibung or plantext


Caption for map image given by Lageplan. The template will attempt to automatically create a caption, using values given for other fields. If the caption does not match with the image, use this field to manually enter a caption.

How to fix problems


The infobox has rather complicated code, and it is not completely foolproof. These are a few known problems. More questions? Please write it at Template talk:Infobox Town AT. Markussep Talk 22:27, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character


There are several possibilities:

  • a badly formatted population number. The population number (the field "Einwohner" or "population") should not contain dots or commas, and no text (references go in the field "population_ref").
  • the area (field "Fläche" or "area") contains a bad character, for instance a comma
  • the elevation is a range, and contains a bad character. Only the minus sign "-" is accepted.

Please give "Stand or population_as_of" in YYYY-MM-DD format


Two formats for the census date (the field "Stand" or "population_as_of") are accepted: the YYYY-MM-DD format, and the German DD.MM.YYYY format. Do not omit the month and date, otherwise the present date will be shown. Do not link the date (e.g. [[2006-12-31]]).

State : Enter Bundesland


The field "Bundesland" or "state" should contain either the German or the English name of the state the place is in.

District : {{{Bezirk or district}}}


The field "district" or "Bezirk" should contain the name of the district the place is in. For the Statutarstädte (15 cities with special rights) use "Statutarstadt" or "statutory city".

Two superimposed coordinates in the title


The infobox shows coordinates for the place in the top right corner. If there is also a {{coor ... }} template, this will put coordinates ion the same place. Please remove the coor template.



The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.



اگر مکان دارای تاریخ "ساخت"ُ، "پایه‌گذاری‌"، "گشایش" یا موارد مشابه است از {{تاریخ آغاز}} استفاده کنید. مگر اینکه تاریخ گاه‌شماری دوران مشترک پیش از ۱۵۸۳ باشد.

اگر پیوند دارد از {{نشانی وب}} استفاده کنید.

خواهشمند است کاربردهای این زیرالگوها را حذف نکنید.



hCard از کلاس‌های HTML زیر استفاده می‌کند:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

مختصات با فراخوانی {{coord}} و استفاده از کلاس‌های اچ‌تی‌م‌ال زیر تولید می‌شود:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

خواهشمند است این کلاس‌ها را تغییرنام ندهید یا حذف نکنید. عناصر تودرتویی که از آنها استفاده می‌کنند را نیز به حالت جمع‌شده درنیاورید.

هنگام ارائه مختصات، خواهشمند است از سطح مناسبی از دقت استفاده کنید. پارامتر |name= از الگوی {{coord}} را بکار نبرید.
