ویکی‌پدیا:سیاست ربات‌رانی/درخواست مجوز/انگلیسی/InternetArchiveBot/Task 1

Operator: Cyberpower678 (بحثمشارکت‌هاانتقال‌هابسته شودبسته‌شدن‌هااختیاراتآمارآمار پیشرفته)

Time filed: پنجشنبه،‏ ۲۶ سپتامبر ۲۰۲۴ (میلادی)، ساعت ‏۰۱:۱۱

Automatic, Supervised, or Manual: Automatic

Programming language(s): PHP

Source code available: Yes

Function overview: Repairs dead links by adding archives to the original URL.

Links to relevant discussions (where appropriate): here

Edit period(s): continuous

Estimated number of pages affected: all of article space

Exclusion compliant (Y/N): Y

Already has a bot flag (Y/N): N

Function details: IABot will scan every article on Wikipedia, look for dead links, and attempt to add an archive URL to it. Users can invoke the bot manually by going to https://tools.wmflabs.org/iabot/index.php?page=runbotsingle or https://tools.wmflabs.org/iabot/index.php?page=runbotqueue.


@Cyberpower678: Please conduct 50 edits for review purposes. — حجت/بحث ‏۲۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۱:۴۵ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Huji: I think we would need a Persian {{Wayback}} before running IABot. In مگی گریس, for example, using of {{Wayback}} caused problems in cites. احمدگفتگو ‏۲۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۶:۱۴ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Mensis Mirabilis: what are your thoughts on this? — حجت/بحث ‏۲۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۱۷ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Huji و Ahmad252: The template {{Wayback}} is deprecated and replaced with {{Webarchive}} in enwiki, which is based on Lua module and much easier to tweak. I think we should do the same (I'm currently working on it). Which template does this bot use? ‏ — Mensis Mirabilis (بحث) ‏۲۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۲۷ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Mensis Mirabilis و Huji: I think it uses {{Wayback}} for non-Cite references. On the other hand, the only archive template I reported in phab:T169468 was {{Webarchive}}. I also tried merging the two templates, but they are not compatible. I think {{Webarchive}} can't understand the current time format of IABot. احمدگفتگو ‏۲۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۳۴ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Wayback is being used because it exists. I can mark it as deprecated in the bot.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۰:۳۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Huji: IABot cannot make any edits as it keeps hitting a captcha. Please grant it the permissions needed (confirmed?) so it can make the test edits.. :-)—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۰:۳۶ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: it is now a confirmed user. — حجت/بحث ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۰:۵۱ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Huji: What is نشانی اینترنتی اسپم? It's an abuse filter IABot keeps hitting now.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۱:۱۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: It was the filter that would prevent *new* users from adding links (in fear of them being spam); it has an exclusion rule for bots, but IABot was not a flagged bot! I gave it the flag just now. — حجت/بحث ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۱:۴۶ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Thanks. Would you please mark Wayback (and all other archive templates except Webarchive) as deprecated? Mensis Mirabilis updated Webarchive module yesterday, so it should work just like enwiki now. Thanks. احمدگفتگو ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۴:۰۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]
I just checked Special:Contributions/InternetArchiveBot. I think "fixed" remained untranslated. Can you change it to "اصلاح شد"? احمدگفتگو ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۴:۱۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Ahmad252: Yea that's an update to beta15 gone wrong and was swiftly reverted in the code. All archive templates except webarchive are now considered deprecated.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۳۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Huji: IABot is now hitting نشانی اینترنتی اسپم.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۵۶ (UTC)[پاسخ]
{['ژانویه'] = 1,
['فوریه'] = 2,
['مارس'] = 3, 
['آوریل'] = 4, 
['مه'] = 5, 
['ژوئن'] = 6,
['ژوئیه'] = 7, 
['اوت'] = 8, 
['سپتامبر'] = 9, 
['اکتبر'] = 10,
['نوامبر'] = 11,
['دسامبر'] = 12}

Anything other than these can lead to an error. Furthermore, in fawiki we have two sets of CS1 templates: Persian and English. Around %70 of the citations use the Persian versions of the templates:

Can IABot work with these? If it only accepts one set of localization (as you said above), please set it to work with the Persian templates above only. These templates do recognize the same set of relevant parameters such as |archivedate= and |archiveurl=, but have the following (more prevalent) equivalents too:

  • {'archive-date' , 'archivedate' , 'تاریخ بایگانی' },
  • {'archive-url' , 'archiveurl' , 'پیوند بایگانی' , 'نشانی بایگانی' },
  • {'dead-url' , 'deadurl' , 'پیوند مرده' },

Thanks. ‏ — Mensis Mirabilis (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۶:۴۰ (UTC)[پاسخ]

@Mensis Mirabilis: I'm still confused as to WHY you need two different CS1 templates. Why not just merge the English and Persian into one config and run them under the same config. That way all the templates work the same way with both English and Persian.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۷:۵۳ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: The reason is that Persian is an RTL language and RTL text mixed with LTR (such as English) looks messy and is difficult to read. Therefore we need two configs. As for the templates, our main citation templates are the Persian templates that by default invoke the Persian config and can invoke the English configuration by setting |language=en. The reason that we have a set of English templates too is that, a lot of users tend to copy/paste references directly from enwiki when translating articles; therefore we needed a set of templates that by default invoke the English configuration. These are the English citation templates ({{cite web}}, etc.). The bottom line is that, if IABot just works with those English templates, it would only cover the references imported from enwiki which may be already archived by IABot before in enwiki. ‏ — Mensis Mirabilis (بحث) ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۹:۲۴ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678 و Mensis Mirabilis: IABot is going to edit cite/یادکرد templates anyway. On the other hand, یادکرد templates are compatible with cite (setting |language=en will change the appearance of a Persian citation template into its English version). I think IABot should be able to replace any cite web it edits with یادکرد وب: It can simply do a find & replace and add a |language=en to the end of cite web template. After that, archiving those templates wouldn't be challenging. Is it technically possible? احمدگفتگو ‏۲۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۲۳:۲۳ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Really sorry about that, but I think we would need a couple of days to discuss on cite templates and see what we can do to fix this problem. We will be in touch. Is that okay to you? احمدگفتگو ‏۲۳ مهٔ ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۰:۲۲ (UTC)[پاسخ]
{{ping|Weird it looks like the OS is putting out the correct versions of the month when I try to get it to list them. I wonder why then, is IABot using different variants. It's not coded anywhere.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۳۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Any replacer or something? I mean, something that can affect the final output. Maybe something designed for arwiki? احمدگفتگو ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۳:۰۲ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Ahmad252: There is no custom code in place for arwiki or fawiki. Fawiki uses fa locales, and arwiki uses ar locales.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۳:۱۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: I just checked عراق, it's a rich sample since it has different archive months. I tried fixing the problem with archivedates (Special:Diff/26920407). The only problem that I can see in that page is "اكتبر" (and we already know the problematic "فِورِیه" is still there), I think there should be no problem with other months. Yet still, it's a problem we need to fix. Could you please copy the piece of code that contains Persian translation for months? I want to run a tool on it, make sure that we aren't missing something (or you can do it yourself - copy the code somewhere in fawiki without saving it, then click on <img src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fa/f/fc/Button_super_tool.png" title="ابرابزار" alt="ابرابزار"> (SuperTool) and it will change some parts of the code, if needed. Then click on "نمایش تغییرات" (show changes) and see if anything has changed. Please check the output manually to see if there's any unwanted change in code, since this tool isn't really designed to work with codes). احمدگفتگو ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۳:۴۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]
That's the thing, it's not coded in the bot anywhere. The only thing I added is an extension that overrides some of the OS values. I do that when the OS provides the month and/or numerical format.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۴:۲۵ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: I'm really truely confused. So the bot practically has no data to modify these, and the problem is still there. I really have no idea why this happens, maybe others can help. By the way, what exactly do you mean by "OS"? Which OS? احمدگفتگو ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۷:۰۳ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252 Now you know how I've been feeling all day. :/ I've been trying to figure out myself where those months are coming from.
IABot lives on Stretch VMs.  That's a linux OS.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۸:۰۷ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252 Alright I cleared everything, and reloaded the locales. I think we should be good now. Can you check recent edits? They look good to me.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۸:۴۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Thank you. That فِوِریه thing is gone now, but we still have the اكتبر problem: Special:Diff/26922187. In addition, there's another problem: In Persian CS1 templates, we have localized parameters for |accessdate=, we have |تاریخ بازدید=, |تاریخ بازبینی=, |بازبینی=, and |بازدید=. IABot can't recognize them (as it didn't in Special:Diff/26922187), so there will be two accessdates, causing the template to show an error. Can you fix this? Thanks and sorry for these localization problems. احمدگفتگو ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۸:۵۷ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Ahmad252: No worries. I made some more test edits. Let me know if they are okay, or if you need more.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۹:۵۲ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Can you please run it for another 20 edits or something? I just wanna make sure we have everything perfectly set. And is it possible to run the bot (not from the management interface) manually on سیارک ۲۳? It's a good sample for test purposes. Thanks. احمدگفتگو ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۲۰:۰۲ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Ahmad252: ✓ done—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۲۰:۴۲ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Thanks. I think we are ready for the final check, just one minor problem in talk page notice: Please change "I" to "من" and "کرد" to "کردم". Thanks in advance. @Huji و Hanooz: Could you please check recent contributions? I mean the ones after 20:09 (UTC). احمدگفتگو ‏۴ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۲۱:۲۰ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252,please visit https://tools.wmflabs.org/iabot/index.php?page=wikiconfig&wiki=fawiki to make changes to the text. I have temporarily granted you permission to do so for this wiki.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۷:۳۲ (UTC)[پاسخ]

Discussion break


@Cyberpower678: I fixed one but it isn't clear to me why IABot inserts "I" instead of "من". The translation is "\n\n من به‌تازگی", so it must return "من به‌تازگی", instead of "I به‌تازگی". I can't really figure out why. By the way, we don't usually use "Discussion break" section, sorry if I didn't use it properly! احمدگفتگو ‏۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۹:۴۵ (UTC)[پاسخ]

@Ahmad252: I fixed the "I" as that was pretty straightforward.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۹:۴۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Thank you! So we only need to wait for approval or further discussion, I suppose. احمدگفتگو ‏۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۰۹:۵۳ (UTC)[پاسخ]
It would be better to change 'روبه رو' to 'زیر' in talk page reports. Hanooz ‏۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۱:۵۵ (UTC)[پاسخ]
✓ Done احمدگفتگو ‏۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۷:۵۴ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252, checking in. What's the status of the approval. Is everything good to go?—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۱۰ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۱:۰۵ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Something is wrong here :Special:Diff/26955153. Hanooz ‏۱۰ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۱:۱۱ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Well, as a matter of fact, our bot approval group members are always busy and our requests usually stay here for a while, which is not a good thing. I think we should add some of our experienced technical users (such as Dalba) to this group. Anyways, I'll ping Huji again soon. But before that, we should fix this problem, I presume. I think the problem mentioned by Hanooz is that the tool removes some of those {{پک}} templates we have in the article (but not all of them). Can you please fix it? You can use any article in Special:Search/hastemplate: "پک" for test purposes, as they all contain at least one {{پک}} template. By the way, this template never uses a website parameter or something connected to internet, so IABot will simply need to ignore it. احمدگفتگو ‏۱۰ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۱:۲۵ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Hi. Is there any update about this issue? Thanks. احمدگفتگو ‏۱۳ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۶:۰۳ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252, The issue is related to a new function of IABot 2 which I have now disabled as it needs further refinements. It's supposed to serve as a de-duplication mechanism for duplicate named references.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۱:۳۴ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Yes, it works fine. @Huji: I know it's hard to approve this, but I think we can at least give it a 30 days trial. Personally speaking, I think it's ready. احمدگفتگو ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۰۹ (UTC)[پاسخ]

برای یک دوره آزمایشی مجوز دارد (30 روز). — حجت/بحث ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۲۴ (UTC)[پاسخ]

Thanks. @Cyberpower678: IABot is now approved for 30 days in fawiki, can you please run it for a 30 days trial? Thanks. احمدگفتگو ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۲:۲۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252, I switched the bot on.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۴:۵۳ (UTC)[پاسخ]
@Cyberpower678: Thank you. There was a little issue that caused the first paragraph in talk page messages to be preformatted. I fixed the problem from IABot Management Interface, how much does it take for IABot to use new translations? احمدگفتگو ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۹:۱۰ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Ahmad252, configuration changes usually happens every 5000 articles.—CYBERPOWER (بحث) ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۱۹:۱۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]
Fixed, thanks. احمدگفتگو ‏۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۲۱:۴۶ (UTC)[پاسخ]

مجوز دارد. — حجت/بحث ‏۳ اکتبر ۲۰۱۹، ساعت ۲۲:۰۸ (UTC)[پاسخ]