توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]

This template creates a floating box linked to a designated Wikipedia notice board.

The complete syntax for this template is:



  • nbname is the required notice board base name. Please see the table below for allowable names.
  • label= an optional formatted label. (default label={{{nbname|}}}<br/>notice board)
  • image= an optional file name parameter of the image to display
    • The default image file names are stored in directory Template:Portal/Images.
    • Placing the 11 characters {{!}}border at the end of the image file name will display a one pixel border around the image.
  • ilink= an optional link for the image.
    • The image link defaults to the image file.
  • align= an optional floating box alignment parameter.
    • align=left
    • align=right (default)
  • talign= an optional text alignment parameter.
    • talign=left
    • talign=center (default)
    • talign=right
    • talign=justify
  • width= an optional floating box maximum width parameter in pixels. (default width=200)



This template should not be placed in the main article namespace {{NS:0}}.

The table below shows the notice board link boxes created by the first name shown in the allowable names column. The default image in the notice board box may change for different names invoking the same notice board. The notice board box image may be changed with the image= parameter.

notice board link box allowable names
آفریقا, Africa-related, African
آلبانی, Albania-related, Albanian, AL, ALB
الجزایر, Algeria-related, Algerian, DZ, DZA
زبان عربی, Arabic, ara
آرژانتین, Argentina-related, Argentine, AR, ARG
استرالیا, Australia-related, Australian, AU, AUS
جمهوری آذربایجان, Azerbaijan-related, Azerbaijani, AZ, AZE
کشورهای حوزه دریای بالتیک, استونی, EE, EST, لتونی, LV, LVA, لیتوانی, LT, LTU
بنگلادش, Bangladesh-related, Bangladeshi, BD, BGD
کانادا, Canada-related, Canadian, CA, CAN
کارائیب, Caribbean-related
شیلی, Chile-related, Chilean, CL, CHL
جمهوری خلق چین, China-related, Chinese, CN, CHN
کرواسی, Croatia-related, Croatian, HR, HRV
جمهوری چک, Czech Republic-related, Czechia, Czech, CZ, CZE
دانمارک, Kingdom of Denmark, Denmark-related, Danish, DK, DNK
قوم دراویدی, Dravida
اروپای شرقی, Eastern Europe-related, Eastern European
انگلستان, England-related, English, GB-ENG, ENG
جزایر فارو, Faroe Islands-related, Faroese, FO, FRO
فرانسه, France-related, French, FR, FRA
زبان آلمانی, German, آلمان, DE, DEU, اتریش, AT, AUT, لیختن‌اشتاین, LI, LIE
یونان, Greece-related, Greek, GR, GRC
هنگ کنگ, Hong Kong-related, HK, HKG
مجارستان, Hungary-related, Hungarian, Magyar, HU, HUN
ایسلند, Iceland-related, Icelandic, IS, ISL
هند, India-related, Indian, IN, IND
اندونزی, Indonesia-related, Indonesian, ID, IDN
ایران, Iran-related, Iranian, IR, IRN
جزیره ایرلند, Ireland-related, Irish, IE, IRL
اسرائیل, Israel-related, Israeli, IL, ISR
ایتالیا, Italy-related, Italian, IT, ITA
ژاپن, Japan-related, Japanese, JP, JPN
کرالا, Kerala-related, IN-KL, KL
کره (کشور), Korea-related, Korean, کره شمالی, KP, PRK, کره جنوبی, KR, KOR
جمهوری مقدونیه, Macedonia-related, Macedonian, MK, MKD
مالزی, Malaysia-related, Malaysian, MY, MYS
مالدیو, Maldives-related, Maldivian, MV, MDV
مالت, Malta-related, Maltese, MT, MLT
مکزیک, Mexico-related, Mexican, MX, MEX
مولداوی, Moldova-related, Moldovan, MD, MDA
هلند, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Netherlands-related, Dutch, NL, NLD
نیوزیلند, New Zealand-related, NZ, NZL
ایرلند شمالی, Northern Ireland-related, Northern Irish, GB-NIR, NIR
نروژ, Norway-related, Norwegian, NO, NOR
پاکستان, Pakistan-related, Pakistani, PK, PAK
فلسطین, Palestine-related, Palestinian, PS, PSE
فیلیپین, Philippines-related, Philippine, Filipino, PH, PHL
لهستان, Poland-related, Polish, PL, POL
زبان پرتغالی, Portuguese, پرتغال, PT, PRT, برزیل, BR, BRA
استان کبک, Quebec-related, Québécois, CA-QC, QC
کولی, Roma
رومانی, Romania-related, Romanian, RO, ROU
روسیه, Russia-related, Russian, RU, RUS
اسکاتلند, Scotland-related, Scottish, GB-SCT, SCT
صربستان, Serbia-related, Serbian, RS, SRB
سنگاپور, Singapore-related, Singaporean, SG, SGP
اسلواکی, Slovakia-related, Slovak, SK, SVK
اسلوونی, Slovenia-related, Slovene, SI, SVN
سری‌لانکا, Sri Lanka-related, Sri Lankan, LK, LKA
سوئد, Sweden-related, Swedish, SE, SWE
تایوان, Taiwan-related, Taiwanese, TW, TWN
تایلند, Thailand-related, Thai, TH, THA
ترینیداد و توباگو, Trinidad and Tobago-related, Trinidadian, Tobagonian, TT, TTO
ترکیه, Turkey-related, Turkish, TR, TUR
اوکراین, Ukraine-related, Ukrainian, UA, UKR
بریتانیا, United Kingdom-related, Great Britain, Britain, British, UK, GB, GBR
ایالات متحده آمریکا, United States-related, American, U.S., U.S.A., US, USA
ونزوئلا, Venezuela-related, Venezuelan, VE, VEN
ویلز, Wales-related, Welsh, GB-WLS, WLS
کارائیب, مجمع‌الجزایر لوکایی, باهاما, BS, BHS, جزایر تورکس و کایکوس, TC, TCA
no name or any other name

Please contact the assigned maintenance group for any additions or corrections to this table.